Friday, September 21, 2012

RIM confirms new BlackBerry outage is all fixed

RIM confirms new BlackBerry outage is all fixed

Please don't leave us. We'll buy you sweets.

RIM has apologised for its recent BlackBerry outage and told TechRadar everything is tickety-boo again.

The company chose the worst day to have another one of its service failures, with the iPhone 5 now temptingly available for all those with a non-working BB.

But the outage, the reasons for which are still unconfirmed, is at least over so users can get back to emailing and internetting and BBM-ing or whatever they fancy doing.

"Our apologies to any customers impacted by the BlackBerry service issue today. We can confirm that services have been restored and are now operating normally," read the statement.

It's all good now

The company also tweeted: "Some users experienced issues with BlackBerry services today. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. All services now operating normally."

Given that RIM has been trying to make people forget about the last global outage for some months now, as well as trying to make people wait many moons for its new BB10 platform.

So whether you like a good Chat BBM or a Bold BB, now you can tell people what you're up to once more… disturbing London or whatever takes your fancy.

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