Thursday, October 25, 2012

Behold! The Microsoft Surface skateboard

Microsoft Surface skateboard

During its Surface press conference today, Microsoft showed off the most capable tablet ever made. The new Surface is actually a skateboard.

Today, Microsoft unveiled one of the most expensive skateboards ever made. After demonstrating the durability of the Surface tablet by dropping it on stage (onto carpeted floor, might we add), Microsoft’s Panos Panay showed us another way he and Windows 8 chief Steven Sinofsky have been testing the durability of the new magnesium-encased tablet. The team pasted skateboard trucks onto a regular Surface and converted it into a skateboard. A skateboard! Though they didn’t do any kickflips or ollies on stage, we did see a picture of Sinofsky sporting a massive helmet standing on the homemade sports equipment. For some reason, it didn’t seem too crazy that tablets can become laptops, and since laptops have learned Yoga, why can’t a Surface become a deck?

Microsoft Surface skateboard

No, you can’t buy a Surface skateboard, but we wish you could. It could be one hell of an optional accessory. Maybe the trucks could attach with industrial grade magnets like the TouchCover. And you don’t have to worry about falling after a tough grind either. The Surface can hit the ground in 72 different ways without breaking, or so we learned today. Actually, after three hours of Microsoft press conferences, this might have been the only thing we actually learned. But… skateboard! That’s hip, right?

Somebody should call Tony Hawk. He may have found the next great way to make a skateboarding game.

(GIF credit: @strngways)

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