Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Windows Phone Italy's Facebook page reveals WP7.8 features

The big Microsoft event came and went and there wasn’t even a word about Windows Phone 7.8. Joe Belfiore and co didn’t even announce a date when the update will be released, but it will probably be a while after WP8 hits the shelves (which is already happening).

Whoever is managing the Windows Phone Italia Facebook page was more talkative, however, and answered a question from a fan, revealing the new features that v7.8 will bring. The response has been deleted since.

The list includes the new homescreen (which we already knew), something called 'Club', which we guess is Rooms, Xbox Music and SmartGlass.

Facebook is hardly a reliable source of info, but the features listed seem quite probable - we already know about the homescreen, Rooms and SmartGlass are available for other OSes too, so it's unlikely they will be excluded from WP7.8 and Xbox Music will bring the existing user base to Microsoft's new music service.

In case you don't know yet, Windows Phone 7.8 will be released for 7 and 7.5 devices, as the old hardware won't get updated to WP8.

Source (in Italian) | Via

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