Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Facebook now has 1.19 billion monthly active users, mobile use is skyrocketing

Facebook now has 1.19 billion monthly active users, mobile use is skyrocketing

Facebook is mobilizing

China, India and Facebook. If you go by the numbers, Facebook (again) has enough monthly active users to be the world's third largest country.

In reporting its Q3 2013 financials, the company boasted its monthly active users hit 1.19 billion as of September 30. That's an 18% increase year-on-year. Last quarter, Facebook notched up 1.15 billion monthly users.

So yeah, the social network has been very populous for awhile now.

More importantly for the "mobile first" company, Facebook marked staggering mobile numbers. According to CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the company's earnings call, 48% of people who use Facebook on a daily basic access it entirely on mobile. In fact, web usage numbers declined last quarter for the first time, albeit only slightly.

Mobile, baby

Monthly active users on mobile number 874 million strong, a huge leap of 45% from the same time last year. On average there were 507 million mobile daily active users scrolling through News Feeds and posting statuses during the quarter.

And if you don't think ads are here to stay or that they won't grow on mobile, think again. Zuckerberg said 49% of its $2.02 billion (about £1.2b, AU$2.12b) revenue came from the platform. This was the company's first two billion dollar quarter, by the way.

Zuckerberg wouldn't bit on answering when we'd see video ads in our feeds, but said the way video on Instagram plays "been very positive so far." Facebook is taking its time rolling out auto-play ads, he said, as the company wants it to be "a positive thing" for users.

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