Thursday, January 9, 2014

Samsung and Apple agree on out-of-court talks

According to Reuters, Oh-Hyun Kwon and Tim Cook, CEOs of Samsung and Apple, respectively, have agreed on having talks outside court in an effort to reach a settlement in their latest patent battle. The report states that legal teams from both companies are now preparing to have a "mediation session" on or before February 19.

A court filing from Wednesday informs that Tim Cook and Oh-Hyun Kwon will attend the meeting in person. It's not yet known which company has proposed the idea of settlement talks, but it seems this outcome is favored by both Samsung and Apple.

Apple vs. Samsung legal battle over smartphone patents has been going on for the last few years and has stretched across multiple countries and continents .

Reuters reports that Apple has paid its leading law firm close to $60 million for its battle against Samsung. We guess both companies are tired of having this go on any further and are going to reach a settlement soon enough.

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